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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Trout Opener

Bill Reynolds

Arnold, CA...The opener was slow due to increased flow in the rivers and creeks and access was limited due to the snow-pack. There was still success stories for the opening day from the North Fork of the Stanislaus and Beaver Creek. Most of the fishermen that did well were using Panther Martin's and Rapala's. I would Like to also thank the Master-Baiters fishing club for all their support as they have been coming here for 26 years...

Access will be limited to Calaveras Big Trees State Park and Board's Crossing Road in Dorrington. The NCPA anticipates having Spicer open by Memorial weekend depending on snowmelt and weather. For an update on the road to Spicer you can call 209-728-1387. If you are able to make it to Spicer, Hobart Creek is off limits until July.

Alpine County will be planting all lakes and streams in their County including Lake Alpine and the The Carson River. The Dept. Of Fish & Game will be planting Mosquito Lake, Kinney Lake, and Spicer Lake this upcoming fishing season. The North Fork of the Stanislaus River and Beaver Creek will be planted for the opening. As of right now White Pines Lake located in Arnold will not be planted until completion of the Environmental Impact Report scheduled during the first week of May, then planting will take place shortly thereafter. There is still fish in the lake.

The North Fork of the Stanislaus River was planted this past week. The N. Fork is running higher than normal due to this years snow melt. Try split-shotting night crawlers or crickets with a 12" to 18" leader.Bait casters should also try Power Eggs, Gulp Power Eggs, Gulp Nightcrawlers, Gulp Worms, Gulp Power Bait, and salmon eggs. Lure casters should try Kastmasters, Panther Martin spinners, Rooster Tail's, and try Rapala's. Fly fishermen should try bead head woolly buggers, bead head nymphs, and black ants.

Beaver Creek was planted for the opener. Bait casters should try split-shotting night crawlers, crickets, and salmon eggs. You can also try Gulp Nightcrawlers, Gulp Eggs, Gulp Maggots, and Gulp Worms. Lure casters can try Rapala's, Panther Martin Spinners,Kastmasters, Rooster Tails, and Mepps. Fly fishermen should try bead head nymphs, woolly buggers, black ants, humpy's, and blue wing olive flies.

White Pines Lake located in Arnold was tough on the opener as there were no fish planted for the opener. Bait casters should try inflated night crawlers, Gulp Eggs, Gulp Nightcrawlers, Gulp Worms, Gulp Maggots, and salmon eggs, using a cast-a-bubble and 30" leader. Lure casters should try Kastmasters, and Panther Martin spinners. Fly fishermen should try woolly buggers, sparrow nymphs, blue wing olive, bead head nymphs, and black ants.

Lake Alpine is closed due to snow but they are currently plowing the roads.

Spicer Res. is currently closed due to snow until further notice.

Campgrounds in the Stanislaus National Forest are not officially open, but there are spots available along the river. Camping is available at Big Trees State Park and Golden Pines just beyond the on Highway 4. You can call Big Trees State Park at 209-795-2334 or visit their website at http:/wwwsierra.parks.stte.ca.us/cbt/btfacts.htm. Golden Pines website is http:/www.goldenpinesrvresort.com.

For more information you can contact us at Ebbetts Pass Sporting Goods at 209-795-1686 or visit our website at HTTP:www.ebbettspasssportinggoods.com. Join us at our annual Father's Day Derby at White Pines Lake on June 21st. We are also soliciting funds for the the Father's Day event to assist in the planting as we lost one of our big sponsors. We appreciate all of our customer's support. Our Fly Fishing Seminar will be May 17, 2009. We will have several top notch fly fishermen to teach casting and other valuable information regarding fly fishing. Don't miss this event.

Bill Reynolds
Ebbetts Pass Sporting Goods

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